This video course will allow you to learn the basics of NodeJS. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: Modules Traffic management by dispatcher Handling of HTTP requests (GET and POST) Long-polling WebSocket management Web applications Real time applications And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn basic programming in AngularJS (versions 1.5 and 1.7). In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: scope (the hierarchy) services ($http) control flow statement directives (bind, ng-class, ng-repeat...) filters custom directives And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn the basic use of HTML5. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: basic principles main differences from html 4 new tags (header, footer, Aside ...) form (validation, autofocus) APIs (WebStorage, Web Workers, Drag & Drop ...) Canvas & Multimedia And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn basic programming using the jQuery library. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: Selectors Classes management Traversing Manipulating CSS Bind Events And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn programming in Javascript language. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: syntax, variables, data types control flow statements, iterations arrays We will study the functions Objects in javascript, how they are extended with the prototype Manipulate the DOM and handle EVENTS Design patterns Arrow function And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn basic programming using the React JS library. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: createClass and render JSX event management virtual DOM Components ReactElement and ReactText And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn basic programming using Angular 2. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: Angular CLI Template and data binding Reactive Form Pipe Dependency Injection Observable + rxjs And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn basic programming using Typescript In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: sintax, variable, types of data module OOP And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn how to create a solid database (through the 3 fundamental phases of design) and to query it using basic queries in SQL (Structured Query Language). The lessons cover all of the following aspects: brief introduction with parallelism, through C language, between file system and a database 3 fundamental phases of the design of a database main encryption algorithms difference between information systems and computer systems how to manage your database And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn structured programming and OOP using the C++ language In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: basic principles of programming syntax, variables, data types control flow statements, iterations I/O system arrays and structs OOP lambda expressions And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn object-oriented programming using the Java language. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: Syntax, variables, data types Control flow statements, iterations Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Arrays and lists File management Lambda expressions Access and interaction with the MySQL database Access and interact with the MongoDB database And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn structured and modular programming using the C language. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: basic principles of programming syntax, variables, data types control flow statements, iterations arrays and structs And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn basic programming using the PHP language. In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: Syntax, variables, data types Control flow statements, iterations Using strings Regular expressions Arrays OOP HTTP calls File system And much more…!

This video course will allow you to learn how to program with a low-level language, which is essential to then move on to high-level languages ​​(such as java or c#). In the lessons all the basic aspects of the language are addressed: syntax, variables, data types control flow statement, iterations vector merge assembly language with C language and vice versa And much more...!
This video course will allow you to learn how to use Git. All the basic aspects are covered in the lessons: Work faster Have a record of the work done Share your work more easily And much more…!